About our services
MSOL Services Limited is a company incorporated and managed in Jersey. We offer overseas employment opportunities, particularly in the Maritime Services Industry. Application forms can be requested by telephoning or e-mailing 'admin@msolservices.com'. Subject to a satisfactory due diligence process an Interview will be arranged which is conducted in Jersey by our dedicated team.
Principally we offer employment to UK resident individuals who work offshore in the hydrocarbon, wind farm or cable laying industries. You will be aged 18 and over and will be medically fit for the duties you perform. You will also be able to demonstrate that you are trained for your duties and have had personal safety training. We will require to see a CV and appropriate certificates to support the above.
There is a steady stream of opportunities and vacancies for different skills and in different parts of the world. If successful in your application we will act as your employer. We will set out your duties under a detailed employment contract which will be required to be signed here in Jersey. It is a condition you submit details of hours worked on the forms we provide. In turn we then bill either your agent or the contractor. When your payment is received we will pay you, less our retention. The retention is 5% of each invoice you submit and is necessary to cover the costs of operating, processing and monitoring adherence to both your contract and the relevant legislation including tax legislation.
We have chosen to work with Meridian Taxation Services Limited of 19 Southernhay West, Exeter EX1 1PJ. They are an independent tax specialist in the UK, who will assess whether employment by MSOL is an appropriate way forward for you from a fiscal stand-point particularly whether you may qualify for Seafarer's allowance in the UK and other tax regimes such as Norway.
It is vitally important that you ensure your U.K. personal tax affairs are correct and up to date. Meridian Taxation Services Limited will help you with this as well. We will not engage employees whose tax affairs are not in order or who are not willing to bring these up-to-date with the help of Meridian Taxation.
We look forward to your enquiry.